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Men's Dragonfly Applique Single-breasted Suit in Black

SKU: ABZ-MJ-MC/240010016
Regular Price ৳28,000.00 Sale Price Unit price: ৳0.00
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Quick Overview

Single-breasted jacket in black Japanese wool featuring Dragonfly applique on the front. The suit is detailed with a slit pocket on the chest and two flap pockets at the sides. Finished with a one-button fastening. Product Details: • Wide peak lapels• Slit pocket on the chest• Side flap pockets• One-button...

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Single-breasted jacket in black Japanese wool featuring Dragonfly applique on the front. The suit is detailed with a slit pocket on the chest and two flap pockets at the sides. Finished with a one-button fastening.

  • Product Details:

    • Wide peak lapels
    • Slit pocket on the chest
    • Side flap pockets
    • One-button fastening
    • Made with certified wool yarn

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